Mike Zusman Mike Zusman

Field & Data Stream

My newest article has been published on Field Ethos. The bigger-picture theme that warrants more discussion is the impact that technology has on our quality of experience in any area of life.

I ‘m excited to have my article Field & Data Stream published on Field Ethos.

I’m a deep thinker, which is a blessing and curse. The blessing is that I’m well equipped to explore non-obvious relationships between things, concepts, and people. The curse is when deep thinking turns into over-thinking and inaction, which is something I’ll cover in a future post.

In Field & Data Stream I connected the non-obvious dots between the business concerns of my elk hunting outfitter, the proliferation of social media and technology in the backcountry, and the digital and physical cybersecurity risks that can arise.

The bigger-picture theme that warrants more discussion is the impact that technology has on our quality of experience. This applies to sport, hobby, and work.

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